A photo essay of the changing landscape on Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay Area
Read MoreTreasure Island 2020 | A Changing Landscape | Photo Essay
Treasure Island 2020 | A Changing Landscape | Photo Essay
A photo essay of the changing landscape on Treasure Island in the San Francisco Bay Area
Read MoreSour Cream Coffee Cake Recipe
Today is all about compromise. Being okay with what is, as it is. I wanted to make a sour cream cake and only had yogurt…
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I have become overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with trying to always maintain and be my best. What if what I am is all I got right now…
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Today marks the 2018 Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. I find the summer solstice is a great opportunity to connect with nature and self and explore personal endings and beginnings, as well as the cycles of earth…
Read MoreWhen was the last time you looked at the stars. I mean really stopped to spend some time to gaze at the night sky? Simple actions like looking at the stars can ground us when we are overwhelmed or caught up in our own busy world. Give it a try tonight.
Yep...some days are just like this. I've got a lot to do today, that must be why I spent the morning making home made granola. A fabulous result of procrastinating if I must say so myself. The way I look at it is if I'm going to put work on the back burner it makes sense to create something else that's good or needed in the process. What I've realized is that procrastination is often an opportunity. I'm forced to put my energy towards other things I often avoid (i.e. cleaning, organizing, tedious projects). Sometimes the only way I am motivated to take on and complete these tasks is when I am working so hard to avoid another.
I recommend the next time you are procrastinating to embrace it fully. Accept that you are choosing to not do something and don't regret it. Dive into what you are going to do with all of your heart and creativity. At least you will have created something great when you go back to doing the task you originally wanted to complete. It's wasteful to spend your time feeling guilty for not working on something you should be. Release the guilt and get something done (clean the house, organize the office, paint the dresser, start a novel, learn photography). Often times the very act of not focusing on what you should be doing allows you to release some of the pressure of the original task, so when you go to tackle it you are refreshed and it's easier to complete.
The one thing I do recommend is to give yourself a hard deadline on when you will stop procrastinating, so you can start on the project you want to focus on. Until that time comes, have fun creating whatever other awesome idea procrastination brings out in you guilt free. Now go create...
How do embrace procrastination? Share your techniques below.